PatternStream Maintenance
The annual PatternStream license maintenance includes:
- New point and major PatternStream application releases
- Documentation updates
- Software problem fixes at no charge
- Unlimited email support
- Twelve telephone support incidents
The twelve telephone contact cases, not to exceed a total of eight hours for the total contact time, runs for the period of one year from the date of installation. Phone support cases that are a result of a PatternStream error will not be charged as a support incident.
The PatternStream application maintenance does not include support for implemented database publishing projects, FrameMaker, or Acrobat. Because of the wide range of project complexity, implemented database publishing project support is addressed on a case-by-case basis. FrameMaker and Acrobat support is provided by Adobe.
PatternStream Annual Maintenance
The PatternStream yearly maintenance fee is 20 percent of the total, non-discounted license fee. As previously discussed, the yearly maintenance fee includes new point and major PatternStream application releases, documentation updates, telephone and email support, and general PatternStream information updates.
Project Maintenance
PatternStream annual maintenance does not include project maintenance. Project maintenance or project support is addressed on a case by case basis since individual projects differ. Project maintenance and support proposals can be addressed through separate proposals and agreements.