PatternStream Overview
Your imagination is your only limitation when it comes to publishing information from a database or XML.
PatternStream is the most comprehensive database publishing solution available — and we back this claim with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. PatternStream can connect to multiple data sources simultaneously to include data, text, images, and other information from any (and multiple) ODBC/SQL compliant databases, XML and HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word and Excel, FrameMaker, InDesign, and other numerous other file types. Products that can be published with PatternStream include catalogs, directories, manuals, reference books, and reports. PatternStream is a revolutionary desktop database publishing application.
Database publishing project set up is accomplished using PatternStream’s graphical user interface (GUI). Once a project is created, it can be saved, run, modified, saved as, or passed to another PatternStream user.
At the push of a button, users can publish to print and electronic documents from database information and static file sources. Utilizing SQL and other query mechanisms, users can extract pictures, text, dynamic data, and other information from databases and XML files, format it, and save it press-ready. The application can save a published document, series of documents, or a book to multiple electronic formats that include:
- Adobe® Acrobat® (PDF)
- Adobe FrameMaker® binary file format
- Adobe InDesign® binary file format
- Adobe Postscript®
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
- Various word processing formats
Information can be rapidly published from one or more data sources and distributed to multiple media including printed paper, CD-ROM, internal networks, and the web. PatternStream will change the way that you look at your information. Products that can be created include:
- Catalogs
- Budget documents
- Financial reports
- Directories
- ACFR’s
- Sarbanes Oxley reports
- Manuals
- Reports
- XML (and derivatives)
- Reference books
- Spreadsheets
- and any other pattern-based documents
PatternStream is an information aggregation and dissemination tool – focused on creating products that employ structure and/or dimension (page size) – a meaningful distinction from other applications. “Dimensions” demand hierarchical form and structural composition – which PatternStream employs. Many tools are misrepresented as “database publishing applications” when in reality they are form-fill applications that demand pre-specified layouts (a management nightmare and very limiting), explicit tagging, or web focused (unstructured layout) publishing tools. PatternStream’s significance is in that it “draws/formats” all the information on the page based on the data elements – even bleed tabs can be dynamically generated and moved down a page. PatternStream implements data-driven publishing.
Partial listing of PatternStream Functions and Features
Patented Technology
On August 28, 2001, Patent and Trademark Office awarded Patent Number 6,282,539 to FML for Method and System for Database Publishing.
One Application for Many Uses
PatternStream is used in the creation of compliance and regulatory reporting, budget documents, financial reports, health care provider directories, manuals, catalogs, reference books, XML files, online dynamic PDF generation and more …
PatternStream adds significant capability to anyone’s publishing and report environment, delivering the output necessary to fulfill your requirements.
Internet/Online Dynamic Document Generation
PatternStream publishing can be provided for online use and in “real-time” as part of web applications. PatternStream is currently used to generate PDF’s in real-time based on a user input. By passing information to PatternStream, documents can be customized specifically to address the information being requested.
Information that Lives Everywhere Must Be Accommodated For
FML understands that not all information may be housed in a database, so PatternStream also accommodates for the use of static files (i.e., images, Microsoft Excel and Word, PDF, HTML, XML, RTF, mark-up, word processing application files, and plain text) allowing you to incorporate them into your data stream – all within the same contiguous extraction routine. Additionally, PatternStream can connect to multiple data sources if required and also offers a powerful XML import, extraction, and merging routine.
Indexing Nightmares Vanish Using PatternStream
Through the use of markers in the data stream, indexing is virtually automatic – indexes can be generated in seconds. And if indexes are part of a PDF document, or HTML and XML file, active hyperlinks will be generated directing the user to the associated page.
Graphing Capabilities
PatternStream can generate graphs on-the-fly based on database, XML file, and other file information.
All Standard SQL Functionality
Order by, group by, unions, joins, and all standard SQL commands are available.
Extensive Rules Capability
PatternStream has a transform engine/function that can be applied to variables that enable incoming data to be modified based on a particular need.
Conditions can be applied to most any database object enabling data and rules to be invoked at any level in publishing process.
FML has extensive implementation experience and customer loyalty. PatternStream has been used in most every market – catalogs, directories, manuals, compliance documents, financial reports, budgets, online PDF generation and the list goes on. FML began operations in 1991.
PatternStream is a Proven and Efficient Technology
PatternStream has a proven record of significantly reducing implementation time – providing major cost savings.
Additional Information
PatternStream is fast to implement, easy to use, and efficient. It works with FrameMaker and any ODBC and SQL compliant databases including, but not limited to:
- FileMaker®
- IBM DB2, Informix, Lotus Notes
- Microsoft SQL Server®, Access, and FoxPro
- Oracle®
- Sybase
PatternStream integrates with ERP and BI systems to provide financial, budget, capital, and other types of reports. PatternStream has successfully been integrated with systems from:
- CACI (Exhibit Automation System)
- CGI (including BRASS and Performance Budgeting software)
- Cognos
- Oracle
In addition to databases, PatternStream can use input from other file types as part of document creation:
- Acrobat (PDF)
- Desktop publishing (FrameMaker and InDesign)
- Images (BMP, CGM, DXF, EPS, GIF, JPEG, PCX, TIFF, etc.)
- Markup (HTML, XML, etc.)
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
- Text
- Word processing (RTF, Word, WordPerfect, etc.)
The PatternStream desktop and server database publishing system utilizes open standards and non-proprietary applications enabling much greater flexibility. Publishing project set up is performed using a graphical user interface (GUI) and project results are saved for re-use, modification, and/or to create derivative instances. The result is a cost-effective system that allows you to set up and publish rapidly. This capability allows you to make corrections at the database level and re-publish quickly — it’s that simple. Changes can also be made within the published document itself using the powerful and robust FrameMaker and InDesign applications, before printing or conversion to electronic file formats.
PatternStream licenses can be installed on a workstation – or on a database and web server providing dynamic PDF to browsers. Publishing on a workstation enables users to quickly set up and publish products locally.
PatternStream can also be installed on a web server to publish database and flat file information to PDF for web distribution. This allows customers looking for information to publish high quality PDF documents based on their needs and desires. For more information about publishing dynamic PDF, see Dynamic PDF.